(954) 48-claim

Tens of Thousands of Hurricane Ian Claims Not Paid

It’s been over nine months since Hurricane Ian hit SW Florida however, there are still thousands of people who are waiting to collect on their insurance policies.

New data shows that Florida insurance companies have rejected tens of thousands of Hurricane Ian claims. Three out of ten claims have been closed without payment and thousands of others with open claims have yet to receive a penny.

Contact Claims Aid Consultants for a free, no-obligation property damage inspection and policy review throughout the state of Florida, Georgia and Texas. We ONLY work for you, not the insurance company! Our public adjusters will help you navigate through the entire claims process to get you the best settlement and your home or business renovated and repaired as quick as possible.

We provide expert Adjuster, Appraiser and Umpire services for our clients.

Call 954-48CLAIM or 772-249-7988. Se habla Español. Antonio Hernandez, Lic #W013213